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Black Butler musical:

Emerald Witch and the Werewolves Forest

Year: 2020/2021


Black Butler

Emerald Witch and

The Werewolves Forest

Type of Project:

University Graduate Project

A new musical from the Black Butler musical series, adapted from the Emerald Witch arc in the Black Butler manga series by Yana Toboso. Targeting at teenage and young adult audiences, the objective is to create a dark Victorian spectacular which combines fantastical and historical elements together. The production should be friendly to both audiences who have read the original manga and new audiences who have not heard the story before.


The story is about the contention between rationality and sensibility, the good and the evil. There is no complete black and white when it comes to humanity. Sometimes, humans are more demonic than a real demon. And sometimes, humans will strike their lives for whom they treasured. Some people practiced hypocrisy to achieve their goals, some people participated in evil without their own knowledge. Humanity is complicated, no one is 100% rational or sensible, and no one is 100% good or evil. There are two settings with the story, the 'reality' and the 'fabricated world'. The story also taken place across England and Germany.

For the 'fabricated world', it is set in a 16th Century Renaissance German village. Female villagers dressed in period peasant costumes and males dressed as Werewolves who patrols around the forest.


In 'reality', it is set in the late 1880s to early 1890s. With the German Military Chemical Factory as the main stage. Villagers and werewolves turned out to be German soldiers  in disguise. At the end, the remaining characters travel back to England for a special audience with Queen Victoria.

Black Butler_Character Lineup
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